PIP for Stroke
In 2023, there were 74,596 PIP claimants with stroke listed as their main disabling condition. This makes it the twelfth most common condition to get an award of PIP out of over 500 conditions listed by the DWP.
If you have had a stroke and it impacts your ability to carry out daily activities, such as cooking, washing, dressing, mixing with others, or getting around, you should definitely consider applying for PIP.
Success Rates and Award Rates for Stroke
Success Rate: The success rate for PIP claims for stroke is 77%, which is significantly higher than the overall average of 53%. This means you have a much better-than-average chance of receiving an award for stroke.
Award Rates:
59% of claimants who have had a stroke receive the enhanced rate for both the daily living and mobility components.
Daily Living Awards:
Enhanced Rate: 71%
Standard Rate: 27%
No Award: 2%
Mobility Awards:
Enhanced Rate: 67%
Standard Rate: 19%
No Award: 14%
98% of claimants who have had a stroke and receive an award get the Daily Living component, compared to 86% who get the Mobility component.
PIP Payment Rates (April 2024)
Daily Living Component:
Standard Rate: £72.65
Enhanced Rate: £108.55
Mobility Component:
Standard Rate: £28.70
Enhanced Rate: £75.75
An award of the enhanced rate for both components means you could receive an extra £184.30 per week. PIP is paid on top of most other benefits and may lead to an increase in some benefits or entitlement to additional support. The enhanced mobility rate also grants access to the Motability scheme.
How to Qualify for PIP
To qualify for PIP, you must be at least 16 years old and below state pension age. The best way to determine your eligibility is by assessing how a stroke affects your daily living and mobility. Points are awarded based on how much difficulty you have with each activity, and a sufficient score can lead to an award of PIP.
Daily Living and Mobility Activities
There are 10 daily living activities and 2 mobility activities used to assess eligibility:
Daily Living Activities:
Preparing food
Taking nutrition
Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition
Washing and bathing
Managing toilet needs or incontinence
Dressing and undressing
Communicating verbally
Reading and understanding signs, symbols, and words
Engaging with other people face-to-face
Making budgeting decisions
Mobility Activities:
Planning and following journeys
Moving around
For each activity, you need to consider whether you can perform it:
To a reasonable standard
In no more than twice the time it would take someone without a health condition
How Stroke May Affect Your Daily Life
Here are some examples of the challenges you might face due to the effects of a stroke:
Extreme Fatigue: You may find preparing even a simple meal too exhausting to manage.
Weakness or Paralysis: Weakness or paralysis on one side of your body may mean you need to use aids and appliances in the kitchen to assist with activities like peeling, chopping, and lifting pans.
Dressing and Undressing: You may require help with dressing and undressing because of weakness or paralysis.
Aphasia: If you have aphasia as a result of the stroke, you may need assistance in understanding or expressing basic information.
Cognitive Problems: Cognitive difficulties caused by a stroke might mean it takes you much longer than before to read or understand basic information.
Bathing Safety: Due to weakness in your legs and balance problems, you may find it unsafe to bathe or shower without assistance.
Concentration and Memory Issues: You may have difficulty planning a journey or remembering the route due to concentration and memory problems.
Foot Drop: Foot drop may make walking difficult and unsafe, and you might need to use a walking aid for stability and support.
These are just a few examples of how stroke can impact your ability to perform daily living and mobility tasks. If you experience additional challenges due to other conditions, you can take those into account during your claim.
How PIP Ready Can Help You
If you have had a stroke and are considering applying for PIP, PIP Ready can guide you through the process. Our expert team will help ensure your claim is comprehensive and accurate, maximizing your chances of success.